On April 4, 2004, the first service of Open Gate Ministries was held in La Plata High school in the band room. There were 43 in attendance. We later moved to the lunch room area and then to the main auditorium.
Our next move was to the Port Tobacco Players theatre in downtown La Plata. We shared the beautiful theatre with the actors and orchestra members and enjoyed the elaborate settings that became the background for our worship services.
During this time, approximately six years, Open Gate availed itself of several different homes and the Apple Spice Junction delicatessen for our mid-week bible studies. God provided for fellowship and spiritual growth through the kind hearts of both members and friends. During this time, we were able to procure the use of the La Plata Fire Station 1 fellowship hall for special dinners and events.
We eventually purchased the Waldorf Freewill Baptist Church property at 4028 Old Washington Road in Waldorf, Maryland. There was much work to be done on the facility. A dilapidated house, on the front of the lot, was torn down to improve the property and increase our parking space. General repairs were completed and soon the work of Open Gate began in earnest to build a house of worship for the Glory of God.
There have been times of change and challenge but God has seen Open Gate through with love, mercy, and grace. Bless his name!
Our doctrinal foundation is the Apostles Creed. Our mission is the exultation, proclamation, and worship of Christ. Our fellowship in the observance of the Eucharist is open and welcomes all believers. And our hope is the promise of the soon return of our Lord and Master Jesus Christ.
Our desire is to include your story in our story. To reach out to the unbeliever, to teach the Word of God, and to preach the gospel, the good news, of our salvation through the death and resurrection Christ Jesus.
Jesus said, “… I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. He will come in and go out, and find pasture.” (John 10:9 NIV) Thank you for visiting our website. We look forward to finding fellowship with you and your family. The time is now. Enter in!