Hebrews 13:16 “And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.”
What does a Christian life look like? I have heard that question in my pastoral life numerous times and have found answering it both difficult and even embarrassing. Difficult because it is a bit complicated and embarrassing because it must mean my personal life didn’t answer the question. In the 13th chapter of the letter to the Hebrew’s Paul is wrapping up his powerful defense of the Gospel with a few power points to encourage and instruct his readers.
Don’t forget… well if you ever preface a statement with that it usually means you think your audience will not find it easy to remember your statement. I am quite sure the Apostle was not speaking exclusively to the elderly or absent minded among us. The fact of the matter is that we are often quite selective in what we choose to keep in forefront of our thinking. What should we be thinking about and not forget?
Do Good… no philosophical arguments here please. I know and you know most of us are quite capable of discerning the difference between good and bad. The problem here is the choice between for my good and my brothers good. Not an easy choice and takes a lot of practice and determination to bring to the forefront of our daily thinking and choices. Only the Holy Spirit can help us make progress in living this out in our lives.
Share… this is much more than an admonition to share your M&M’s with your friends. (which, by the way, is rather difficult for me) No, I believe, it is an encouragement to gage our behavior according to our needs and not our wants. There is a great difference between my needs and my wants. Again, this takes practice and determination to progress in this type of lifestyle and the Holy Spirit alone will accomplish this in our lives.
Does my life look like that? Well; I’m working on it. I hope you are too. Be encouraged, with God all things are possible. He is daily interceding to the Father for His children. We are blessed with a High Priest that has been touched by the feeling or our infirmities. So, onward and upward. One day we shall be like Him for we shall see Him as He is. Striving to be like Christ. That’s what a Christian life should look like. Remember you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. Do good. Share. Stop hiding your M&M’s.